On Thu, Jul 30 2009, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Jul 2009, Marc Haber wrote:
>> In fact, I would prefer if Ubuntu had to change _their_ scheduled to
>> accomodate us, if they want to have the advantage of being in sync
>> with us. It's _their_ advantage after all, not ours.
> I don't mind who changes the date for the other but I really don't agree
> that doing it is only for Ubuntu's advantage. Nobody in Debian would have
> taken such a decision, we are Debian developers and have no interest in
> helping only Ubuntu.

        I wish I could actually whole heartedly concur, but actual
 actions do not seem to mesh with the nice sentiment.

> What we're speaking of is synergy between both distributions. You know the
> it's the principle behind “the combination of both is worth more that the
> sum of individual parts”.

        Another nice sentiment.  But the whole is not always more than
 the sum of the parts; and in this particular case, the synergy between
 the distributions is far skewed one way.

        I spend a log of time with my upstreams, and I am trying to
 implement the philosophy that any change in my packages be trated as a
 bug (whether or not it is in the bts), and sent upstream. I use
 upstream bug trackers, and upstream mailing lists, accommodating the
 author. Very rarely do I see such feedback coming from Ubuntu (the
 SELinux maintainers are the the pleasant exception).

        If Ubuntu were better at feeding back patches into the debian
 bts, well, what you say might have been true.
>> We are not only major supplier to Ubuntu, we have our end customers
>> ourselves. I'd prefer that it stayed that way.
> The synchronization with Ubuntu is not going to remove our identity.

        Anything to back up this assertion?

> We'll keep our user base and the possible improvements in both

        Why would the casual user select something that has old
 KDE/GNOME, has the same or more bug fixes (since bug fixes rarely
 migrate from ubuntu to debian, based on my experience), and does not
 have commercial support?

        While I personally care little about popularity, I do think this
 assertion  that we will not lose our users is unfounded optimism.

Even if you persuade me, you won't persuade me. Aristophanes
Manoj Srivastava <sriva...@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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