Howdy folks,

As some of the more observent folks will notice, I've updated my sig to
include a ref to the following GPG signed document:

The template is up at:

I know it's only a small gesture, but it'd be really neat if we talked
about doing this on a slightly more wide-spread scale.

Since I'm loud and post a lot, I figure I'll lease some ad-time to the
document in my sig.

If you feel the same way, feel free to sign it yourself. Or enforce it
on me. Or whatever.

Much love,

 .''`.  Paul Tagliamonte <>  |   Proud Debian Developer
: :'  : 4096R / 8F04 9AD8 2C92 066C 7352  D28A 7B58 5B30 807C 2A87
`. `'`

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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