This must be one of those days when I feel the need to respond to more emails 
than I usually do.

On Wednesday, April 15, 2020 08:14:41 AM The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2020-04-15 at 07:45, Neil McGovern wrote:
> > If there is sufficient pushback, I'll delete the instance, move on
> > with my life, and conclude that no one in Debian can possibly try and
> > innovate or do new things unless it is either:
> > * 100% optional for people, or
> > * made completely compatable with the old way of doing things

Hmm, I'm trying to remember the phrase that describes when a discussion has 
gotten to the point that someone feels the need to bring up Hitler. ;-)

I'm going to mention systemd -- (1) that surely is an example that Debian can 
innovate (or, at least, follow a non-native crowd  (i.e., new to Debian)), and 
(2) maybe bringing systemd into a discussion is (should be considered) 
something just as disrepectful (harmful) as bringing Hitler into a discussion.

> I think this might be overstating the case somewhat, even in that
> scenario. Unfortunately, every attempt I've made to write out why,
> explain my position, or argue my case, has gotten off into the weeds and
> become clearly unhelpful even to my own eyes, and I don't want to
> inflict that on this discussion.

Sorry, I'm probably fertilizing the weeds.

> > Apologies if the frustration is showing, but hopefully you can see where
> > this is coming from.
> Yes, this is definitely understandable. Thanks for clarifying that much,
> at least.
> I do hope to be able to get such an explanation / list at some later
> point, if only to help expand my own perspective about how things can be
> seen and better understand the world, but I can certainly see why you
> wouldn't want to do it now.

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