Hi all,

Not sure the right forum to raise this - please redirect me as
appropriate :)

I was checking Debian on my Lenovo P1 G3 today (using testing latest)
and figured I'd have another stab at getting the fingerprint working -
something I've not had much success with previously on Debian.

It turned out to be really quite easy - just installed fprintd and
libpam-fprint and the reader is working nicely.

Is there any interest, as fingerprint reader functionality is now
improving so much on Linux, to have these packages installed by default?
All the new Linux certified Lenovo laptops should work - and I'm pretty
sure other vendors have the same. I'm not sure how it's decided which
packages are installed by default or if this is a controversial request :)

As an aside, the new Debian install is nice (touchpad works! Yay) and
getting my system up and everything important running (including the
microphone) was the easiest ever - thank you!


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