On Wed, 2017-10-25 at 22:15 +0200, Gordon Ball wrote:
> I would normally not update the timestamp while the suite is
> and expect whoever ultimately makes the upload to `dch -r` and tag
> the
> release, but maybe it would be less ambiguous to update it each time
> d/changelog gets edited.

In my own packages I update the changelog timestamp when creating a new
release, and then one final update for release. I'm not sure there's
clearly a right answer in this case.

The thing that made me want to have one of you to update the changelog
was Section 4.4 of the debian policy which says:

The maintainer name and email address used in the changelog should be
the details of the person who prepared this release of the package.
They are not necessarily those of the uploader or usual package

> I think I have DM upload rights for jupyter-notebook but not the
> others
> listed.

I don't mind doing a review & uploading. But if you want to upload go

I just uploaded nbconvert instead of going around in email a couple
more times.


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