
> > ii  libkf5plasma5                                 5.78.0-3
> The problem is that this packages (and several others) from the
> frameworks are not updated.
> I guess we have to introduce a breaks somewhere ... this incompatibility
> is somehow surprising, because it is not documented in the CMakeList
> files - at least as far I see...
> > So better wait for a newer version...
> No, wait for all frameworks being updated ...

if you do not want to wait:
apt install -t unstable $(apt list --installed | grep 5.78.0-3 | cut -d/ -f1)
did the trick for me.
Of course you need testing and unstable in /etc/apt/sources.list and an
appropriate Pin-Priority in /etc/apt/preferences in order that this makes any
sense (e.g. 900 for testing and 400 for unstable).

This installed the following four packages:
libkf5plasmaquick5 libkf5runner5 libkf5plasma5 plasma-framework

The only other packages my system finds with
apt list | grep 5.78.0-3
libkf5plasma-dev libkf5plasma-doc libkf5runner-dev libkf5runner-doc qml-

I hope this helps adding a versioned dependency or introducing a breaks.

Thanks a lot, Norbert and all the relevant Debian maintainers, for all your
work regarding KDE software packaging in Debian. The improved availability is
more than welcome!

Kind regards

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