tags 526430 +moreinfo


  Thank you for reporting this bug. According to the information you provide 
it is likely a KDE bug, not Debian. Moreover you would need to install some 
debug packages like: kdepim-dbg libqt4-dbg

  When you have those installed you would need to reproduce the crash and take 
note of the new details (backtrace) of the crash.

  Since Debian resources for handling KDE bugs are scarce, it would be very 
helpful if you could report the bug on the KDE bugzilla [0] after having taken 
a look of their advices on how to report with useful information [1]

  I suggest you first looking into [0] to check out whether the bug has already 
been reported or not, please note the KMail version you are using. If you 
follow this steps, we would appreciate if you could write back with the bug 
number you have filed in or found in the KDE bugzilla.

[0] http://bugs.kde.org

     Raúl Sánchez Siles
----->Proud Debian user<-----
Linux registered user #416098

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