On Sat, 9 Jul 2016, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:

> However, I noticed that if the procps package is installed in the
> chroot, cleanup happens correctly. It might just be that
> dbus-test-runner is missing a dependancy on procps (which is important,
> so cannot be expected to be installed in build chroots).

Yes, I think that's what happens.

A simple "rgrep kill" on dbus-test-runner source shows that the kill
command (the external one, not the shell builtin) is used in several

So these two bugs are really one and the same. I'm going to merge them
and use "affects" appropriately.

Diane, based on the analysis from Lucas, there is really nothing to do
from your side because this is really not a bug in signon-ui, but if
you still want to reproduce this bug in your computer, try building in
a chroot not having procps installed.

I'm sorry that I filed this against the wrong package.

> As a workaround to fix that RC bug, you could add a build-dependency on
> procps in signon-ui.

There is really a single bug here, which is the one in dbus-test-runner.
Since this bug makes other packages to fail, the RC-ness really
belongs to dbus-test-runner.


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