On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 10:33 PM Dmitry Smirnov <only...@debian.org> wrote:

> > > No it hasn't... :( There is a serious regression:
> > >   https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad-driver-podman/issues/69
> >
> > I'm having a hard time considering this a "serious" regression. The
> problem
> > as far as I understand is that while the driver does work fine with the
> > new REST interface, it doesn't allow you to upload images in OCI format
> > from local disk.
> > If you instead chose to have imaged pulled from a (local) image registry,
> > the driver would work fine.
> Do you have experience operating local container registry??
> I have and I can tell that it is not fun, to say the least. Docker registry
> leaks disk space because it does not garbage collect some images...
> Neither does it like Buildah/Podman's native image format, although it
> can be remedied by building images with "export BUILDAH_FORMAT=docker".
> IMHO just saving built images to network share is the best, easiest, most
> reliable way of deploying local images. It is the best to avoid Docker
> registry whenever possible.

Have you considered keeping your NFS share with the OCI images,
but using a registry just for distribution to your cluster?
This way your registry is basically just a cache.

Also, there may be alternatives to the official docker registry
image. For instance, debian salsa offers team-specific container
registries (built-in functionality for gitlab). For self-hosting
solutions, maybe quay.io might be a better fit. On
https://docs.projectquay.io/welcome.html you can find instructions
for simple evaluation/developer setups as well as high-availability
configurations (cf. https://docs.projectquay.io/deploy_quay_ha.html)

> > Blocking podman 3.0 because of this is something I can't get behind.
> > But maybe I'm missing something else here?
> I hope my answer above helps to understand the issue...

I can follow your thinking, and I sympathize, but ultimately, I
still think that on the compromise between keeping varlink and podman
at version 2.1, and updating to podman 3.0 and getting docker-compose
functionality, Debian's users are better served by having podman 3.0
in bullseye.

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