Hash: SHA1

Hi Adam,

Am 16.01.2011 16:53, schrieb Adam D. Barratt:
> Yes, this looks worth fixing in lenny.  Please could you send a debdiff
> of your proposed change?

I built a new version that includes the fix for 606794.
Please find the debdiff and 2.3.0-2 diff.gz attached.

Thanks in advance for your support.

- -- 

Best regards

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/

File lists identical (after any substitutions)

No differences were encountered between the conffiles files

Config files: lines which differ (wdiff format)
db_input [-low "ldap-account-manager/passwd" || true-]
[-db_input-] medium "ldap-account-manager/restart-webserver" || true

Control files: lines which differ (wdiff format)
Installed-Size: [-11346-] {+11342+}
Version: [-2.3.0-1-] {+2.3.0-2+}

Postinst files: lines which differ (wdiff format)
    db_get [-"ldap-account-manager/passwd"-]
[-    passwd="$RET"-]
[-       perl -pi -e "s/password: .*/password: $passwd/g" 
[-    db_get-] "ldap-account-manager/config-webserver"

No differences were encountered between the postrm files

Templates files: lines which differ (wdiff format)
Template: [-ldap-account-manager/passwd-]
[-Type: string-]
[-Default: lam-]
[-Description: Master configuration password (clear text):-]
[- The configuration profiles are secured by a master password.-]
[- You will need it to create and delete profiles. As default it is-]
[- set to "lam" and can be changed directly in LAM.-]
[-Description-cs.UTF-8: Hlavní konfigurační heslo (nešifrovaný text):-]
[- Konfigurační profily jsou chráněny hlavním heslem. Toto heslo budete 
potřebovat při vytváření a mazání profilů. Výchozí hodnota je "lam" a 
můžete ji změnit kdykoliv později přímo v LAM.-]
[-Description-de.UTF-8: Hauptpasswort für die Konfiguration (im Klartext):-]
[- Die Konfigurationsprofile werden über ein Hauptpasswort gesichert. Es wird 
benötigt um Profile anzulegen und zu löschen. Der Standardwert dafür ist 
"lam" und kann innerhalb von LAM geändert werden.-]
[-Description-fr.UTF-8: Mot de passe principal (en clair) :-]
[- Les profils de configuration sont protégés par un mot de passe principal. 
Vous en aurez besoin pour créer et effacer des profils. Sa valeur par défaut 
est « lam » et vous pourrez le modifier directement dans LAM.-]
[-Description-it.UTF-8: Password di configurazione (in chiaro):-]
[- I profili di configurazione sono sicuri grazie a una password, questa 
password è necessaria per creare e rimuovere i profili. La password 
predefinita è "lam" e può essere cambiata direttamente da LAM.-]
[-Description-nl.UTF-8: Meester-configuratiewachtwoord (niet versleuteld):-]
[- De configuratieprofielen worden beveiligd met een meestwachtwoord. U heeft 
dit wachtwoord nodig om profielen aan te maken en te verwijderen. De 
standaardwaarde is 'lam' en kan rechtstreeks in LAM veranderd worden.-]
[-Description-pt.UTF-8: Password para a configuração principal (texto 
[- Os perfis de configuração são protegidos por uma palavra-chave principal. 
Irá necessitar dela para criar e apagar perfis. Por omissão, esta 
palavra-chave é "lam" e pode ser alterada directamente no LAM.-]
[-Description-pt_BR.UTF-8: Senha mestra de configuração (texto plano):-]
[- Os perfis de configuração são protegidos por uma senha mestra. Você 
precisará dela para criar e remover perfis. Como padrão ela está definida 
como "lam" e pode ser mudada diretamente no LAM.-]
[-Description-sv.UTF-8: Lösenord för huvudkonfigurationen (klartext):-]
[- Konfigurationsprofilerna är säkrade av ett huvudlösenord. Du kommer att 
behöva det för att skapa och ta bort profiler. Som standard är det inställt 
till "lam" och kan ändras direkt i LAM.-]
[-Description-vi.UTF-8: Mật khẩu cấu hình chủ (chữ rõ):-]
[- Những hồ sơ cấu hình đựơc bảo mật bằng mật khẩu chủ. 
Bạn cần thiết nó để tạo hay xóa hồ sơ. Mật khẩu mặc 
định là « lam » mà có thể được thay đổi trực tiếp trong 
[-Template:-] ldap-account-manager/restart-webserver

Attachment: ldap-account-manager_2.3.0-2.diff.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: debdiff.txt.sig
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ldap-account-manager_2.3.0-2.diff.gz.sig
Description: Binary data

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