
I am the maintainer of KBibTeX, a BibTeX editor for KDE. KBibTeX
has been shipped for Debian since version 0.1.5 back in 2006
thanks to Michael Hanke.
Unfortunately, the package for KBibTeX in Debian has not been
updated in a few years, the most recent package is from December
2012. This version (0.4) is no longer maintained by upstream
(me). Since 2012, a number of more recent versions have been
released (0.5.x and 0.6).

Whenever I receive bug reports for version 0.4, I usually ask
bug reporters to test the current stable version (0.6 right now)
to verify if the bug has been fixed. Unfortunately, many bug
reporters do no have the skills to install KBibTeX from source
For example, see here:

It would be nice and very helpful to trace/close bug reports if
Debian would provide up-to-date packages for 'normal' users.
The current stable version is still written for KDE4,
dependencies have little if at all changed since 0.4.
Essentially, just the version counter has to be increased before
rebuilding/packaging KBibTeX.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Thomas Fischer

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