On 23 June 2007 at 09:31, Ross Boylan wrote:
| On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 00:32 -0700, Francesco Pietra wrote:
| > I am now at such cases for amd64 (dual core opterons)
| > with OpenMPI (a parallelization support) and Amber (a
| > molecular dynamics package), which I wish to compile
| > with my installed intel fortran and c. 
| I can't help with your problem, but your mail raises a couple of
| questions.  I heard a couple years ago that Intel had made some changes
| to their compilers that made them not work (or maybe not work well) with
| chips from other vendors.  Is that information inaccurate?
| Also, some of us are working on getting R and OpenMPI working together.
| If anyone has done that, or would like to help, just speak up.

Yes, I made a first stab and have something really rudimentary.

But it has been moved 'back down the queue' as I (as part of the pkg-openmpi
team on Alioth) am trying to get an all new, all shiny OpenMPI into
Debian. Maybe this weekend.  If and when it happens, I *will* post in
debian-science (and possibly debian-devel) to reach other MPI maintainers and

And yes, once we have a properly maintained and non-buggy OpenMPI package, it
will be worthwhile coordinating with other the MPI implementation packages,
and updating the packages using MPI (and particularly lam) such as Rmpi.  

Help would be welcome on any and all of these projects. For the R/MPI
intersection, I am currently the only worker bee so this is bound to be


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