Le Mon, 26 Sep 2011 21:03:59 +0800,
lina <lina.lastn...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Here I might be wrong. But I know someone who handled PDBs before. So I
> learned little.
> PDB is the abbreviation of the Protein Data Bank.
> PDB files just a file, you can touch a.pdb or b.pdb.
> But for the PDB ID which was the identity from the Protein Data Bank (might
> not correct),
> different ID regards different protein structure and the structure
> information was gained from different lab or group. The bank gathered those
> information together.
> so for certain pdb file such as 1RCT.pdb, when people used it, people won't
> cite the Protein Data Bank, they will cite the group who found or predict
> it.

thanks for the pdf file format clarification, 
this ID is part of the pdb file or this is just a reference in the database ?

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