On 28 September 2015 at 13:15, Jonathon Love wrote:
| essentially, JASP depends on package A. package A gets updated in a way
| that breaks compatibility with us (this has happened to us with three
| different R packages making breaking changes between releases in the
| last couple of years, without warning).

That's plainly a Debian bug. "HEAD" of CRAN always works, and gets tested.

I have expressed my concerns about how 'laggy' updates to debian-science and
debian-med often enough in the past to not repeat this here again.  
| a nice solution is to provide a separate location where R packages (or
| even an alternative R itself) can be installed. JASP checks at start up

You don't need a new location, just use /usr/local/lib/R/site-packages. Which
is what I do at work and home (and via scripts in littler also rather easily).

However, that is entirely outside the packaging system so it does not make
sense to depend on it from "JASP the Debian package".

Rock, meet hard place.  You could just shelve the "JASP in Debian" idea, make
local packages for your users and provide these via a repo.  Others do that
too, see eg Jeroen and his (excellent) OpenCPU project:
http://www.opencpu.org and https://www.opencpu.org/download.html Or you could
ensure (by bug reports and package updates) that Debian packages are
installable for JASP.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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