Hi Ralph,

thanks for the introduction. Could you please shortly formulate how the
Debian Science Team can be useful for you?

Best regards


Am So., 30. Aug. 2020 um 14:13 Uhr schrieb Ralph Alexander Bariz <

> Hi all,
> My name is Ralph Alexander Bariz. I've written a, I think quite usable,
> proof of concept for a runtime which should introduce a new kind of
> algorithmic dedicated to the graph oriented modeling and execution of
> complex non-linear systems.
> Please see
> https://gitlab.ralph.or.at/causal-rt/wiki/-/blob/ralph/debconf/debconf.odp
> Please see the C++ POC Implementation
> https://gitlab.ralph.or.at/causal-rt/causal-cpp
> I request to move over the whole project group to salsa
> https://gitlab.ralph.or.at/causal-rt
> My salsa username is "udet".
> Below I've written, for people interested in the why and probably a way to
> some kind of new discrete and, error-resistant discretely, executable
> physics, the thesis. I would also like this post to be seen as an official
> pre-publication of this thesis.
> Thanks.
> *Preface*:
> I'm system analytics and architect, no mathematician. So this wont contain
> a lot of numerical math what probably also is not necessary but instead the
> results of a structural analysis of what Germans call "Wirklichkeit".
> While this journey begun with working out a methodology to model and
> execute symmetric interaction simulations on GPU's utilizing definite
> integrals I was not convinced it could allow to model and execute the aimed
> complex systems observed to be real.
> It continued passing by actor model systems which were more what I seek
> for but still very data oriented while lacking for a definition of "the
> how".
> At that time I came into contact with Werner Heisenberg's and Hans-Peter
> Dürr's "last assumption" defining a virtual entity they called "Wirks".
> This, for me, was the key to understand what we seem to have missed all the
> time. Here a discrepancy between the German and the English language got
> very obvious. While a certain understanding of "the how" seems to be deeply
> integrated into German language, the English language seems to completely
> lack it. This discrepancy gets most obvious when thinking about the classic
> definition of causality in both languages. While the English language
> defines causality as the implication cause -> effect, while cause and
> effect are both about the "what", the German definition is "Ursache"(cause)
> -> "Wirkung" while "Wirkung" is not about the "what" but about the "how".
> Also one might note, the English "reality" covers the German "Realität" but
> not the German "Wirklichkeit" while the reality is about the set of all
> being and the "Wirklichkeit" is the set of all happening.
> When trying to model this thought of a "Wirks" there came up a few
> implications which made such a model very attractive not only in context of
> Max Planck's assumption of a discrete energy and spacetime but also seems
> to connect the strings in context of thermodynamics and the simple
> question, why there is entropy but also allows to neatly and exactly define
> a model of time and why density(mass and extent) of a system influences the
> flow of time within this system in relation to another system of another
> density. Also it seems, that such a model allows to understand certain
> effects observed in quantum-mechanics and why space is not a that certain
> thing as we use to treat it as. Causal dynamics has implications to the
> concept of "calculus" and neatly defines the symmetric corner-cases where
> it is useful but clearly points out why in "real" asymmetric/complex and
> not dominated(like domination of suns mass where error can but cut as
> negligible) cases it cannot be applied.
> In the following lines I will not handle the concrete "proof of concept"
> implementation for classic computing I have done but use one of its
> example's to support some of previously broached claims. Still it has to be
> clear, this POC implementation is NOT complete neither correct. Also please
> mind, here I define causal dynamics as the thesis observed and deduced but
> not as the thesis making philosophical sense. There is an extended thesis
> assuming that all systems are continuous in their nature and its aspects
> are discretising on interaction but since there, for me, is no hint
> available yet, that this could be the case, but even seemingly one that
> this might not be the case(entropy) I will not touch this thought at this
> point.
> *Definitions*:
>    - A "Processor" is an environment allowing the execution of a causal
>    systems
>    - An "Aspect" is a piece of Information in context of a system
>    - A "Wirks" is the necessity of information to change
>    - A "Tick" is a pattern allowing a processor to process a certain
>    "Wirks" within a causal system
>    - A "Wirkung" is a branch of "Wirks" implying each other
>    - A "Wirklichkeit" is an integral set of "Wirkung" influencing each
>    other
> *Axioms*:
>    - Principle of "demand": nothing happens without triggering
>    interaction as it is required in sum interaction
>    - Principle of "inertia": nothing happens without a sufficient cause
>    (investment of energy by trigger of interaction)
>    - Principle of "exclusivity": no concurrent involvements of a single
>    "aspect" can happen
> *Deductions*:
> In our view "time" seems to be something passing by as a whole. We do not
> naturally understand why time can be "slower" or "faster" in relation to
> observers "time" and why it seems to be connected with "space" even both
> seem to be very different. Principle of "exclusivity" brings up an
> understanding of "time" as a causal order influenced by the amount of
> interactions happening on an aspect and "space" being just the consequence
> of this order. While this might at first glance make sense for dense
> systems it seems not to explain the observed dilatation for accelerated
> systems. When thinking about "speed" in such a context, we need to see what
> speed does. So it seems naturally to me, when an object of a certain speed
> is moving its interaction partners are changing due to that directed
> quantity of speed when assuming a homogeneous density distribution of whats
> in front and whats behind. But when closely thinking about the problem I
> have to acknowledge the amount of interaction of an accelerated system
> might increase on acceleration and there fore lead to an inverted effect as
> on unaccelerated moving away from lesser dense systems towards more dense
> systems. This assumption allows to understand the speed of light as the
> point where a system is interacting with everything available what leads to
> observed wave behavior of light and other particles accelerated to near
> light speed. Also this allows to understand why there cannot be a "higher"
> speed. There is no more than "everything" available. As there is no spatial
> but only causal direction any more. The requirement to invest more and more
> energy for gaining higher and higher speeds is due to the principle of
> "inertia" in context of every single interaction. A system requiring to
> interact with "everything" also requires the energy for doing so. However
> propagating(what I'm not necessarily doing), that unlimited energy is
> required to accelerate a system of mass to speed of light would, in this
> context, imply an unlimited amount of possible available interaction
> partners what conflicts with the thought of a finite reality, a begin and
> an end.
> Due to "demand" everything is uncertain unless information is required in
> interaction, at that point overall demand defines probability.
> We tend to see things in an absolute way wondering about effects observed
> in quantum mechanics. In a system perfectly isolated from any interaction
> partner which is not interacting with observer, however it seems natural to
> measure what is expected by observer why observed system might seem to be
> certain before measurement. So the assumption making quantum mechanics that
> unintuitive is the assumption uncertainty would be the exception and
> observer is unrelated to observation. But at this point it seems,
> uncertainty is the default and probability is strongly defined by
> requirements of the sum of all observers but when all other observers are
> interacting with observer looked at it seems certain all the time.
> Here space gets really messy. It seems that there is nothing like a
> "space". No framework stuff is existing within but just a mesh of demands
> for causal interaction. So assuming space gets bent inside a star would
> imply it is the same "space" which somehow gets altered. But, to me, it
> seems more, that there is nothing in common between our "Wirklichkeit" and
> those within some star like our sun except the interfacing surface of it.
> We are not part of the inner mesh of "demand" within a star and there fore
> could only tell properties observable from the outside. The inner of a star
> however stays uncertain to us and might, if there is no demand playing a
> role unknown to us, fit the expectation of outside observer basing on
> happened observations until intrusion and direct measurement but never will
> violate made observations. One could say, the "Wirklichkeit" will come up
> with a way to ensure consistency across all observations and if its not
> possible to ensure then observation wont be possible.
> *Example of an oscillating system*:
> When imaging a system consisting of oscillators in a matrix interconnected
> by springs, one could also speak of a granular membrane, we can apply
> exactly such a causality. This causality would be defined by an oscillator
> passing it's impulse to their neighborhood using Hooke's law implying them
> to also pass their impulse to their neighborhood. When applying some
> impulse to one of those oscillators this leads to a wave which, under the
> assumption of system being symmetric, is as perfectly circular as
> granularity of systems allows while, for obvious reasons, it gets more and
> more circular towards radius getting infinite. This example has two
> possible manifestation. The one is discrete and there fore limits the
> smallest size of impulse by (overall difference in impulse)/(number of
> neighbours) > 0 and there fore leads to impulse getting lost(entropy/heat)
> when *Δ*I/Nn = 0. The other is continuous and does not know entropy what
> seems not to be real. The probably most interesting observation would be
> certain effects known from quantum mechanics like interference's without
> requiring any real or even transcendent constants and purely using integer
> domains for parameters and result.

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