Dear Debian Science Maintainers,
I have prepared a debian package for resampy [1], an "Efficient signal resampling. Implements band-limited sinc interpolation method for sampling rate conversion."

The initial packaging has been started by David (in cc) and the ITP is at [2]. The David's original idea was to maintain the package in debian-python [3] but it seems that there is not too much interest there, and I was not able to find a sponsor for the initial upload.

I think that the package fits very well in debian-science and I'm wondering if there is interest in maintaining resampy under debian-science.

Of course I will take care of the package maintenance and updates but I would need help to move the repository form debian-python [3], and also I need someone to review the package and sponsor the initial upload.

In there anyone interested in sponsoring resampy?


kind regards
Antonio Valentino

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