Salvatore Bonaccorso pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / 

ed34390d by Salvatore Bonaccorso at 2023-08-11T10:48:29+02:00
Process some NFUs

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ CVE-2023-4105 (Mattermost fails to delete the attachments 
when deleting a messag
 CVE-2023-40267 (GitPython before 3.1.32 does not block insecure non-multi 
options in c ...)
        TODO: check
 CVE-2023-40260 (EmpowerID before allows an attacker to bypass an MFA 
(multi  ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: EmpowerID
 CVE-2023-40256 (A vulnerability was discovered in Veritas NetBackup Snapshot 
Manager b ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Veritas
 CVE-2023-40254 (Download of Code Without Integrity Check vulnerability in 
Genians Geni ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Genians
 CVE-2023-40253 (Improper Authentication vulnerability in Genians Genian NAC 
V4.0, Geni ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Genians
 CVE-2023-40235 (An NTLM Hash Disclosure was discovered in ArchiMate Archi 
before 5.1.0 ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: ArchiMate Archi
 CVE-2023-40224 (MISP 2.4174 allows XSS in app/View/Events/index.ctp.)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: MISP
 CVE-2023-40014 (OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract 
developm ...)
        TODO: check
 CVE-2023-3824 (In PHP version 8.0.* before 8.0.30, 8.1.* before 8.1.22, and 
8.2.* bef ...)
@@ -31,29 +31,29 @@ CVE-2023-3823 (In PHP versions 8.0.* before 8.0.30, 8.1.* 
before 8.1.22, and 8.2
 CVE-2023-39553 (Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Apache Software 
Foundation  ...)
        TODO: check
 CVE-2023-38333 (Zoho ManageEngine Applications Manager through 16530 allows 
reflected  ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Zoho ManageEngine
 CVE-2023-37513 (When the app is put to the background and the user goes to the 
task sw ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: HCL
 CVE-2023-37512 (When the app is put to the background and the user goes to the 
task sw ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: HCL
 CVE-2023-37511 (If certain App Transport Security (ATS) settings are set in a 
certain  ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: HCL
 CVE-2023-35179 (A vulnerability has been identified within Serv-U 15.4 that, 
if exploi ...)
        TODO: check
 CVE-2023-34438 (Race condition in some Intel(R) NUC BIOS firmware may allow a 
privileg ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Intel
 CVE-2023-34427 (Protection mechanism failure in some Intel(R) RealSense(TM) ID 
softwar ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Intel
 CVE-2023-34355 (Uncontrolled search path element for some Intel(R) Server 
Board M10JNP ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Intel
 CVE-2023-34349 (Race condition in some Intel(R) NUC BIOS firmware may allow a 
privileg ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Intel
 CVE-2023-34086 (Improper input validation in some Intel(R) NUC BIOS firmware 
may allow ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: INtel
 CVE-2023-33877 (Out-of-bounds write in some Intel(R) RealSense(TM) ID software 
for Int ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: INtel
 CVE-2023-33867 (Improper buffer restrictions in some Intel(R) RealSense(TM) ID 
softwar ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Intel
 CVE-2023-32663 (Incorrect default permissions in some Intel(R) RealSense(TM) 
SDKs in v ...)
        TODO: check
 CVE-2023-32656 (Improper buffer restrictions in some Intel(R) RealSense(TM) ID 
softwar ...)

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