Salvatore Bonaccorso pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / 

5ca1e271 by Salvatore Bonaccorso at 2024-03-16T09:23:36+01:00
Process some NFUs

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 CVE-2024-2514 (A vulnerability classified as critical was found in MAGESH-K21 
Online- ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: MAGESH-K21 Online-College-Event-Hall-Reservation-System
 CVE-2024-2308 (The ElementInvader Addons for Elementor plugin for WordPress is 
vulner ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-2294 (The Backuply \u2013 Backup, Restore, Migrate and Clone plugin 
for Word ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-2042 (The ElementsKit Elementor addons plugin for WordPress is 
vulnerable to ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-28862 (The Ruby One Time Password library (ROTP) is an open source 
library fo ...)
        - ruby-rotp <unfixed>
@@ -13,59 +13,59 @@ CVE-2024-28862 (The Ruby One Time Password library (ROTP) 
is an open source libr
 CVE-2024-28859 (Symfony1 is a community fork of symfony 1.4 with DIC, form 
enhancement ...)
        TODO: check
 CVE-2024-28640 (Buffer Overflow vulnerability in TOTOLink X5000R 
V9.1.0u.6118-B2020110 ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: TOTOLink
 CVE-2024-28639 (Buffer Overflow vulnerability in TOTOLink X5000R 
V9.1.0u.6118-B2020110 ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: TOTOLink
 CVE-2024-28070 (A vulnerability in the legacy chat component of Mitel 
MiContact Center ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Mitel
 CVE-2024-28069 (A vulnerability in the legacy chat component of Mitel 
MiContact Center ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Mitel
 CVE-2024-27197 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Bee 
BeePress allows ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-27195 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Sandi 
Verdev Waterm ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-27194 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Andrei 
Ivasiuc Font ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-24845 (Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor 
vulnerabili ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-24156 (Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Gnuboard g6 before 
Github  ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Gnuboard
 CVE-2024-23523 (Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor 
vulnerabili ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-23298 (A logic issue was addressed with improved state management.)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Apple
 CVE-2024-22513 (djangorestframework-simplejwt version 5.3.1 and before is 
vulnerable t ...)
        TODO: check
 CVE-2024-22259 (Applications that use UriComponentsBuilder in Spring 
Frameworkto parse ...)
        TODO: check
 CVE-2024-1733 (The Word Replacer Pro plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to 
unauthoriz ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-1685 (The Social Media Share Buttons plugin for WordPress is 
vulnerable to P ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-1239 (The ElementsKit Elementor addons plugin for WordPress is 
vulnerable to ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-6525 (The ElementsKit Elementor addons plugin for WordPress is 
vulnerable to ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-51521 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in ExpressTech 
Quiz An ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-51512 (Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in WBW Product 
Table b ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-51510 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Atlas 
Gondal Export ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-51491 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Averta 
Depicter Sli ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-51489 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Automattic, 
Inc. Cr ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-51487 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in ARI Soft 
ARI Stream ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-51486 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in RedNao 
WooCommerce  ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-51474 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Pixelemu 
TerraClass ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-51407 (Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Rocket 
Elements Spl ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2023-36483 (An authorization bypass was discovered in the Carrier 
MASmobile Classi ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Carrier applications
 CVE-2021-47135 (In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been 
resolved:  m ...)
        - linux <not-affected> (Vulnerable code not present)
        NOTE: (5.13-rc5)

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