Salvatore Bonaccorso pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / 

00852c92 by Salvatore Bonaccorso at 2024-04-17T11:10:34+02:00
Process some NFUs

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
 CVE-2024-3882 (A vulnerability was found in Tenda W30E It has 
been cla ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Tenda
 CVE-2024-3881 (A vulnerability was found in Tenda W30E and 
classified a ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Tenda
 CVE-2024-3880 (A vulnerability has been found in Tenda W30E and 
classif ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Tenda
 CVE-2024-3879 (A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in 
Tenda  ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Tenda
 CVE-2024-3878 (A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been 
found in T ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Tenda
 CVE-2024-3877 (A vulnerability classified as critical was found in Tenda F1202 
1.2.0. ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Tenda
 CVE-2024-3876 (A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in Tenda 
F1202 1 ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Tenda
 CVE-2024-3875 (A vulnerability was found in Tenda F1202 It has 
been ra ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Tenda
 CVE-2024-3874 (A vulnerability was found in Tenda W20E It has been 
declare ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Tenda
 CVE-2024-3873 (A vulnerability was found in SMI SMI-EX-5414W up to 1.0.03. It 
has bee ...)
        TODO: check
 CVE-2024-3872 (Mattermost Mobile app versions 2.13.0 and earlier use a regular 
expres ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Mattermost Mobile app
 CVE-2024-3871 (The Delta Electronics DVW-W02W2-E2 devices expose a web 
administration ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: Delta Electronics
 CVE-2024-3869 (The Customer Reviews for WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is 
vulnerabl ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-3867 (The archive-tainacan-collection theme for WordPress is 
vulnerable to R ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress theme
 CVE-2024-3672 (The BA Book Everything plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to 
Stored Cr ...)
-       TODO: check
+       NOT-FOR-US: WordPress plugin
 CVE-2024-3660 (A arbitrary code injection vulnerability in TensorFlow's Keras 
framewo ...)
        TODO: check
 CVE-2024-3367 (Argument injection in websphere_mq agent plugin in Checkmk 
2.0.0, 2.1. ...)

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