On Thu, Oct 05, 2023 at 07:59:54AM -0600, Sam Hartman wrote:
> I think that's what you mean by the first-level error.
> If not, I'm still confused.
> In the second level error case you are talking about is:

No, the first level is always: but the new kernel does not work.
The second is: I need to upgrade external modules.

> I think what you are saying is that
> 1) the current system is fragile: sometimes you want a kernel headers
> that is not available and sometimes you have version skew between the
> kernel headers and kernel even though you have both installed.
> 2) In your system, fewer things are possible, but the combination that
> is possible is more likely to work.


> And I think people's response is that
> they care enough about some of the things you are breaking that they are
> willing to accept the fragility.

For now it looks like a better solution is to just create more meta
packages and accept that they become uninstallable from time to time.

In the future we might want to split off the modules into it's own
package anyway.  That will then allow
- a different image package containing prebuilt UKI,
- a different modules package to replace the special cloud flavours.


Without facts, the decision cannot be made logically.  You must rely on
your human intuition.
                -- Spock, "Assignment: Earth", stardate unknown

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