There appears to be a problem with Samba in the stable distribution I 

I have a small debian box named aeidns here configured to use an NT 
domain controller for authentication, which doesn't appear to be 
working.  here are the relevant /etc/smb.conf lines ...

   debug level = 5
   security = server
   preferred master = no
   wins support = no
   wins server =
   workgroup = AEIDOM
   password server =
   domain controller = dccaeipdc

dccaeipdc is, and is in the DNS.  From a Windows95 
machine logged in tthe AEIDOM domain, attempting a :

        net use e: \\aeidns\share       (just a test share)

results in the following from the /var/log/auth.log and /var/log/smb

Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: (other) illegal module type: OTHER
Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: (other) illegal control flag: auth
Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: unable to dlopen(/usr/lib/security/required)
Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: [dlerror: File not found]
Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: adding faulty module: 
Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: (other) illegal module type: OTHER
Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: (other) illegal control flag: account
Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: (other) illegal module type: OTHER
Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: (other) illegal control flag: password
Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: (other) illegal module type: OTHER
Jul 10 17:50:02 aeidns pam[124]: (other) illegal control flag: 

Hmmm.  /etc/security only has three files ...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# ls -la /etc/security/
total 12
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Jul  9 17:25 .
drwxr-xr-x  26 root     root         3072 Jul 10 17:47 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         2145 Mar 16 02:44 group.conf
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         1289 Mar 16 02:44 limits.conf
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         2147 Mar 16 02:44 time.conf

Connecting to at port 139
connected to password server rejected the session
Selected protocol NT LM 0.12

I assume the session is being rejected because of the PAM problems ?  
Any ideas ?

Dean Carpenter          [EMAIL PROTECTED]        94TT :)
Areyes, Inc.            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"No matter where you go, there you are"  sayeth Buckaroo, across the Eighth 

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