M> Any suggestions on how large to create my partitions based on the
M> following usage:
M> I'm concerned about root.
M> On my first test installation under Red Hat 6 months ago I only had X,
M> KDE and Netscape and whatever Red Hat insatlls by default with the
M> following partitions: / 100MB, /home 100 MB,/user 250,swap 50MB.

With that setup (Netscape, KDE/GNOME, X, WordPerfect, ...) you'll
almost definitely need a decent bit more than 500MB for your system.
If you're that limited on space, one big partition might be the way to

My recommendations:

Swap: "Big enough".  You probably want memory+swap to be *at least*
64MB, but more doesn't hurt.

/var (could combine with /): At least 100MB, 200MB is a good minimum
if you have the space.  More space is good, especially if you're going
to track the unstable branch; Debian packages you download will wind
up here, along with some local state and your Apache root.

/home: As much as you need, probably at least 50-100MB.  I tend to
keep ~80MB of mail around, plus some personal stuff.  If you're the
only user on your system, you can get away with skimping on /home and
putting "your" stuff elsewhere.

/usr: Yeah, as much as you can get.  Given your list of stuff, I'd say
500+ MB.

/: If you've split off all three of /var, /home, and /usr, then / can
be small (like 32MB).  You'll probably want to symlink /tmp to
somewhere, though.

I also have /usr/local on a separate partition.  If I wanted to, I
could mount /usr read-only for a small feeling of extra security.
Also, this is spread out over 2 disks (used to be 3).  Having /home on
its own partition is really useful if you ever want to reinstall or
use two different Linuces side by side.

David Maze             [EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://donut.mit.edu/dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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