Paul McHale writes:
 > >
 > > So, lots of reasons not to use Outlook.  I'm curious, why do you
 > > find it to be the
 > > best available?  What does it offer that, say, Netscape can't do
 > > with a good IMAP
 > > server?
 > >
 > Thanks for the reply !
 > The best part of Outlook is it's integration.  It works with my Pilot, has a
 > PIM which is descent.  My only complaint is it can't be minimized to the
 > system tray.  For me to try to switch at this point would be very
 > unpleasant.  It's lack of configurability is annoying.  Otherwise it does a
 > decent job.  Overall, it is the best bang for the buck.  I have looked at
 > Goldmine and ACT!.  Outlook has the best one stop application.  Another
 > complaint, as I type this email I check the performance monitor and see
 > Outlook is using just under 10MB of RAM.  A little steep for a program that
 > must stay open ...
 > paul

Real men use VM under XEmacs. That's integration. ( This is declared
war i think ;-) )


Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.
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