Has anyone gotten Acrobat to work on Potato?  I have often if not
always gotten a message that Acrobat on this system of mine (Potato)
cannot grok\footnote{understand} the file, because it's a
compressed(?)  format .pdf.

Is anyone using TeX/LaTeX to produce PDF?  Can the PDF be understood
by commonly available PDF readers?  I run TeXLive, up to date, so My
Milage May VaryTM).  I cannot get anywhere.  I have waited for a
library chance (I have noticed with Debian over the past four years
(+) that if I wait long enough, some bugs disappear with a package


"An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one non-existent."            ---Lord Raleigh


Advice on good rock and roll: I have discovered Joe Satriani---on
"slow down blues," on the Album, _Joe Satriani_, he rocks.

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