>From "Using Samba":

username map

Client usernames on an SMB network can be relatively large (up to 255 
while usernames on a Unix network often cannot be larger than eight char-acters.
This means that an individual user may have one username on a client and
another (shorter) one on the Samba server. You can get past this issue by 
a free-form client username to a Unix username of eight or fewer characters.
It is placed in a standard text file, using a format that we'll describe 
shortly. You
can then specify the pathname to Samba with the global username map option. Be
sure to restrict access to this file; make the root user the file's owner and 
write access to others. Otherwise, an untrusted user who can access the file can
easily map their client username to the root user of the Samba server.
You can specify this option as follows:

username map = /etc/samba/usermap.txt

Each of the entries in the username map file should be listed as follows: the 
username, followed by an equal sign (=), followed by one or more 
SMB client usernames. Note that unless instructed otherwise, (i.e., a
guest connection), Samba will expect both the client and the server user to have
the same password. You can also map NT groups to one or more specific Unix
groups using the @ sign. Here are some examples:

jarwin = JosephArwin
manderso = MarkAnderson
users = @account

Also, you can use the asterisk to specify a wildcard that matches any free-form 
username as an entry in the username map file:

nobody = *

Comments in the file can be specified as lines beginning with (#) and (;).
Note that you can also use this file to redirect one Unix user to another user. 
careful if you do so because Samba and your client may not notify the user that
the mapping has been made and Samba may be expecting a different password.


Jeremy L. Gaddis     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-----Original Message-----
From:   David Purton [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Saturday, September 23, 2000 4:01 AM
To:     Debian User List
Subject:        Samba/ different local and remote usernames

Is it possible to set up Samba so that  someone who has a different
username under windows can access their home directory on the linux box?

David Purton


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