Jeremy Nickurak wrote:

> I've been looking through mailing lists and FAQ, but can't find an
> answer to something I presume would be fairly simple, although I'm not
> really familiar with exim at all. What I want to do is get exim to
> pass _outgoing_ mail through certain procmail filters. Specifically, I
> want my From: address to be altered in certain cases, depending on who
> I'm corresponding with.

That sounds more like something to put in _front_ of the mail transport,
not built into it.

From your headers, it looks like you're using Sylpheed. I don't recall
offhand how flexible it is about how to send messages. If you can give
it an arbitrary command line, then you could send it to procmail with an
argument to make procmail use a recipe file that falls through to exim
after mangling the headers however you like.


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