On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 7:05 PM, Douglas A. Tutty <dtu...@vianet.ca> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 02, 2009 at 06:02:16PM -0500, Michael Habashy wrote:
> > I am looking for a debian/linux utility similar to multicd.
> > I need a utility to backup big directories to dvd.
> > The directories are quite big and i need the utility to figure out how to
> > put files on multiple dvds.
> > My k3b works great - but i can not feed it a directory of files and ask
> it
> > just copy all the files and ask me for a new  dvd when you need it.
> >
> > My multicd gives error :
> I've never heard of multicd so I can't comment on its errors.
> Personally, I'd tar up the big directory, zip it (or bzip2 it,
> whatever), then pipe it through split, telling split to split it into
> sizes appropriate to your DVD media.
> The trick, of course, is restore since ideally you'd copy all the pieces
> to some place, cat them together into the origional .tgz and then untar
> it.
> I haven't tried tar's multi-volume option.  I don't know if it would
> work if you tried writing out directly from tar to the raw dvd burner.
> Have you considered a tape drive?
> Doug.
Thanks for the feedback -
I was looking to store them as is. I got a lot of dvds so i was hoping on
creating some kind of table of contents.   And i do not wnat to go through
the trouble of untaring each one to get at the data.  I would like to store
them as is.  I just do want a utility that will figure out what combo of
files are best and then just burn them...all the utility does is ask me for
the next disk.


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