Maurice Guerrier a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm from french, I tried to post my messages in this maling-list in
> english but sometimes it's difficults to explain what I mean,
> please explain me how to migrate to the french mailing.

Il n'y a rien à migrer. il suffit de s'inscrire à la liste française.
tu as déjà posté ta question la-bas, mais le message n'est pas plus
clair qu'ici. il faut expliquer clairement qu'est-ce qui se passe. dire
"ça ne marche pas" n'apporte rien. il faut donner un maximum
d'informations. sinon, on reste dans le brouillard.

si tes mails sont bloqués, il faut nous dire ta vraie adresse IP et ton
vrai domaine. sinon, on ne peut pas aider.

et si ton but est d'envoyer à partir de, alors il faudra
envoyer via le relai de ton opérateur.

you already asked on the french list. you need to susbcribe to see the
answers that you get (you can see the few ones you already got in the

but please do an effort: do not say "does not work", "ne marche pas", ...

say what exactly happens and whether you are able to send to some
domains and not others or whether you can't send to any domain.

and when having a problem with postfix, show relevant postfix logs.

finally, if you have a "deliverability" problem (if you are blocked), we
can't help unless you give unedited/unobfuscated infos (real IP, real
domain name, ... etc).

if you are trying to send from, then you'll need to use your
ISP relay.

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