Frank Lin PIAT wrote:

> Humm, installing sun-java6-plugin (or sun-java5-plugin or 
> icedtea-gcjwebplugin) should pull all the required
> dependencies.

Yess.. but that means I'll have at least two jre's: sun-java6 and
the one required by Azureus/Vuze. How can I be sure that they
won't "bite" each other? Now, with only the openjdk-6-jre
installed, I don't see any applets working, but at least Iceweasel
does not crash/become unresponsive, as it did invariably on
applet-containing pages twhen there were 2 or more jre's.

>> Does anybody know of a decent tutorial for setting up jre,
>> any jre, on Debian?

> Hopefully, "aptitude install sun-java6-plugin" should be
> enough.

But I need the openjdk-6-jre as well because of Azureus/Vuze.

> "doesn't work" is a bit short.

In this case it means: after restarting the browser, the plugin
does not show in about:plugins. And applets do not work; I get an
invitation to click something to download the plugin, but then it
says that there is no appropriate plugin available.

I know that, running Sid, I cannot expect the Moon. But I've had
this problem for 6 months or so now. And I haven't a clue which
package I should file a bug against. This is typically one of
those "inter-package" bugs for which the BTS does not seem to be
very suitable. Perhaps we need a "java task force" (as well as a
"sound task force").

Regards, Jan

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