Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> Tom H wrote:
> >What's the output of "apt-cache policy"?
>   ==> apt-cache policy

The problem is that your report, although I am sure is accurate,
is of conflicting information.  It doesn't make sense.  I am sure it
is what you are seeing.  Don't get me wrong.  But the configuration is
that it should be getting packages from wheezy and yet it seems to not
be getting packages from wheezy.

It is just as if you said you had two apples in a box.  Then you added
two more apples in the box.  And we all know that two plus two is
four.  But then you counted the apples and there were only three
apples in the box.  Of course that doesn't make sense.  What happened
to the other apple?  But so far that is the same problem as on your
system.  Everything you have said so far should be normal for an
upgrade to wheezy.  But your system isn't upgrading to wheezy.  Why
not?  Don't know.  It doesn't make sense.

If you don't have /etc/apt/preferences and you don't have any files in
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/* and your /etc/apt/sources.list are pointing
to wheezy, you have apt-get updated, and apt-cache policy confirms
that you are pointing to wheezy, then "by golly" you should be
upgrading packages from wheezy.  But you report that you are not.  It
is completely baffling.  It will be completely baffling until we
figure out why.


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