On 14.12.2012 10:00, Aidan Gauland wrote:
> Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org> writes:
>> On 14.12.2012 05:06, Aidan Gauland wrote:
>>> How can I fix this?  Given that HAL is deprecated, I suspect there is
>>> some other tool that serves the same purpose as pmount-hal that I should
>>> be using instead.
>> yeah, hal is dead.
>> You might try "udisks --mount" instead.
> I get
> Mount failed: Not a mountable file system
> It seems that udisks does not handle encrypted partitions.

udisks-daemon does handle luks/cryptsetup encrypted partitions but it
seems the udisks command line tool is too limited.

Try "gvfs-mount -d /dev/foo". This should prompt you for the passphrase,
unlock and mount the file system under /media/FS_LABEL

Can be unmounted again via umount /media/FS_LABEL


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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