On Mi, 10 dec 14, 20:20:42, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
> - the key ofhttp://open.iabsis.com/debian/ is not part of 
> debian-archive-keyring or debian-keyring, it's a 3rd party repo.
Of course, I wasn't implying it is.

> - I gave http://open.iabsis.com/debian/ as an example, but you can 
> imagine any other orphaned repository where I find a .deb I like

As the wiki says, you might need to "hunt" for the key.
> - the page you told me has the "gpg" invocation, but how to guess 
> "--keyserver" and "--recv-keys" parameters value?

As per 'man gpg', --recv-keys expects a key ID, which will the one apt 
complains about. For the server you can try one of the public servers. 
According to my gpg.conf I seem to be using pgp.mit.edu, but there are 

If the key is not on the keyservers a web search might turn out where to 
get it from, or you could just ask the providers of the software ;)

Kind regards,
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