On 04/02/2015 02:10 PM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
Hi al,

WHen issuing 'hostname --fqdn', I'm supposed to get the FQDN.
Anyway when trying some different combinations, involving /etc/hostname, /etc/domainname, /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, I cannot figure out where the FQDN is looked up AND with what precedence. Would you know the mechanism (precedence) and worlkflow where a Debian 7 machine gets its FQDN?

Thank you.


the mechanism is described here:


and as far as I see it simply asks the DNS about the hostname using getaddrinfo.

On my system the "--fqdn" flag doesn't work if my /etc/resolv.conf doesn't have domain <mydomain> or search <mydomain> option enabled.

You can see it with strace hostname --fqdn.

Also see man resolver for additional information.



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