Am 21.04.2015 um 14:08 schrieb Mihamina Rakotomandimby:
> Hi all,
> I used to manage network through /etc/network/interfaces.
> Most of my use case are vlans (ie: eth0.1) an aliases (ie: eth1:3)
> My context in headless VMs (no DE, no Xorg, no GUI)
> With Jessie and systemd: is it still managed with /etc/network/interfaces?

systemd-networkd is an optional component and shipped as disabled by
default in jessie.

If you've configured your network to use ifupdown and
/etc/network/interfaces, it will continue to work as-is.

If you want to give systemd-networkd a try, you'd have to convert/create
your network configuration for networkd manually. There is no automatic
conversion to systemd.{link,network,netdev} configuration files from


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