Le 25/09/2019 à 13:34, Alberto Luaces a écrit :
Pascal Hambourg writes:

I have searched for a key repeat delay in the manual, but I found

Which manual ? GRUB or the computer/motherboard ?


You won't find anything useful there. By default, the keyboard in GRUB is managed by the BIOS/UEFI firmware. The firmware setup may have typematic delay and rate settings.

I read a report about a similar issue in a Debian-related forum. IIRC,
a workaround was to connect the keyboard to a USB port of different
type (USB 2 -> USB 3 or the other way around).

Thank you! that solves it.  It was indeed the change from 2 → 3 what I did.

Interesting. What is the computer/motherboard/firmware make/model ?
The one reported in a forum was an Aorus x470 Ultra Gaming motherboard.

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