Le 02/11/2019 à 20:07, Joe a écrit :
Kent Dorfman <kent.dorfman...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'd make a strong argument that removing the common drivers from
whatever kernel is used in "testing" is more an "unstable" action.
But at no time should a mature and extremely important device driver get
pulled from it. Something has gone wrong here.

This is getting ridiculous. No such thing happened. The OP used a daily build.

Quotes from <https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/> :

"The CDs built in each run are the "sid" netinst for each arch, i.e. a version of the installer that will install testing but uses the latest d-i build from the porters for each architecture."

""arch-latest" points to the last successful CD build for each architecture. (NOTE: that's not a guarantee that the CDs are useful, just that the build script did not fail!)."

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