Le 05/01/2020 à 16:40, Clod Turner a écrit :

Why does the Debian Graphical installer compromise any other Linux install
on the same HDD/SSD by reformatting swap.

This is a well known long standing "feature" of the Debian installer. It is not specific to the graphical installer. Also it does not break all other Linux systems, only those which use a swap device (not a swap file, like Ubuntu and Mint do now) and identify it by UUID or LABEL. Linux systems which identify their swap device by PARTUUID, PARTLABEL or persistent device node (such as LVM logical volumes) are unaffected, as the reformat does not affect these identifiers. Those which rely on systemd-auto-gpt-generator to activate any swap partition on a GPT system disk are also unaffected.

no matter what options you try to select in the
partitioning dialogue, the installer will always reformat swap and

This is not correct. You have the option to not use existing swap devices, and the installer will not reformat them.

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