You have 2 solutions :

- Install Debian as a third os, and copy all you need from Ubuntu.
- Change your Ubuntu to Debian. To do this you must :

   - Choose the version of Debian, you need to use.

   - Choose your new graphical environment.
   - Adapt your repositories, clean and update your packages database.
   - Update Apt application.
   - Upgrade your app.

From: Peter Ehlert <>
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2020 3:14:24 PM
Subject: Re: Switching from Kubuntu to Debian(latest version)

On 5/16/20 4:17 AM, Cletus Kingdom wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> I'm Cletus(a Web Developer using Kubuntu Linux Destro), and I want to
> switch to Debian (that was my first choice of Destro, just that I
> wasn't able to install and configure it)
> So I want to know wether it's possible to switch to Debian without
> looking my files ?
Yes. Copy all of your Data files to an external device... such as a USB

for your Kubuntu they are Probably all in the /home directory

for Windows I am not familiar on where they are kept.

When you have them ALL safely copied off machine then proceed with
whatever method you like to install Debian.

After your install, form a Backup Plan for your Data (all of your
personal files), and Use that Backup routine Frequently.**
Best of luck!.

PS: installing Windows again may be a challenge. Figure out how to do
that First.
**system install is trivial, your Data is not replaceable. Backup!

> N/B: I'm running Kubuntu and Windows currently (I still want to keep
> my Windows)

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