On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 07:42:59PM +0000, Brian wrote:

I was attracted by this idea and it gave me pause for
thought. Leaving aside printers that include a network
interface, the IPP-over-USB standard applies to a
non-network-capable  printer.

The specs require IPP (put in firmware, I suppose) and
DNS-SD discovery (again in firmware). Little extra cost?
AFAICT, a networking stack is not specified. Why should
it be for an isolated machine?

Because that's how IPP works: IPP-over-USB essentially creates a point-to-point network to the printer, which is then addressed via TCP just like any other networked printer. Historically there was a significant cost associated with adding a networking stack (more processors, memory, etc), but as everything gets more integrated it's essentially a zero-cost addition. It's not going to be added to old hardware, but not many new designs are likely to be introduced without it.

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