You should really re-read the FAQ that was sent in just two days ago...

On January 4, 2024 11:58:28 AM GMT+01:00, Jeffrey Walton <> 
>On Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 2:45 AM Richard Rosner <> wrote:
>> Wow, what a bunch of unhelpful comments.
>> First, if it wasn't for Eddie recommending boot-repair, "broken beyond 
>> repair" in fact was the very fitting term.
>Here was Eddie's comment" I have had very good results using
>"Boot-Repair" software to recover Grub difficulties."
>"Broken beyond repair" seems to be context dependent. And it seems to
>depend on the user.
>> Second, have you maybe considered that I've already read the home page of 
>> rEFInd and came to the same conclusion? Besides the fact that the page is 
>> virtually unreadable - both from a visual and a content point of view - I 
>> have yet to find anything indicating what it is actually capable of and what 
>> not. Because as far as I can tell, it should be able to do what I want it to 
>> do.
>No. You did not state it. And you did not cite something you did not
>understand. I think you are full of shit.
>> So please, if you don't have anything to add other than snarky remarks, just 
>> don't answer.
>You mean like: "So, since for whatever reason Grub seems to be broken
>beyond repair"?

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