Franco Martelli <> writes:

> I don't know if it is a good idea, in fact it exists a special
> partition type for RAID array listed in fdisk, I used that for my

One case against using partitions on mdraid: if your array gets messed
up, you get to recreate those partition tables yourself and that's just
hilarious if you don't have a backup. Happened to a friend of mine,
reason was a UPS brownout. I think he scanned his disks for copies of
the superblock but didn't find any and then somehow with a lot of hassle
eventually figured out what the partition tables were.

So in a catastrophe, partition tables are one more obstacle to cross
before you can start actually recovering your data.

My only mdraid was on raw partitions but that never had any issues. I
think zfs effectively does the same, no partitions.

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