On 14/5/24 19:17, Richard wrote:
But why should it cause issues? I set the logging in dovecot's conf.d, so I'd expect dovecot to write these logs, not postfix as it has its own settings.

Am Di., 14. Mai 2024 um 05:00 Uhr schrieb jeremy ardley <jeremy.ard...@gmail.com>:

    On 14/5/24 04:16, Richard wrote:
    > Maybe someone here knows how the ownership of these files for
    > needs to be in order to work, as various distributions of Dovecot
    > packages seem to use different users:
    > I'd like Dovecot not to log into syslog, but to dedicated files.
    > Therefore I've created the directory /var/log/dovecot and told
    > in 10-logging.conf to log info, debug and error messages to
    > files.  But I get error messages from postfix (weird):

    A possible cause of problems between postfix and dovecot is that
    usuallly runs chroot so the file tree it sees is not the same as
    the one
    the rest of the system sees.

Postfix is chrooted (usuallly) to /var/spool/postfix

If postfix complains about /var/log/dovecot it's actually complaining about /var/spool/postfix/var/log/dovecot

I would check that file/directory and how dovecot and postfix interact with it.

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