On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 05:32:46PM +0100, Guillem Jover wrote:
> And yes, when I mentioned "seeking wide deployment", I meant archive
> wide support. Let me try to give an analogy to clarify what I mean.
> Say, the GNU/kFooBar porters might have invested lots of effort into
> their kernel, toolchain and kFooBar-specific utilities, which in
> addition might be in excellent shape; but if the architecture only
> has 10% packages built for that port, and they stop there, then it
> cannot get exposure of its possible features, advantages or different
> ways to do things, and people interested in particular packages might
> not see the point in even giving it a try. Expecting the project at
> large to do the other 90% of the porting seems unrelalistic, even if
> the system has a very solid foundation, because at this point it might
> not show much advantage to the current ones.

Sure. This isn't the init system debate, though. Each init system can
100% boot the system and expose features. You can try to say this is the
other ports (HURD), but I don't think you're seriously asserting
that HURD is 90% of Debian.

> Instead I think the work
> that many porters have done, by sending patches to port packages to
> their systems, have in many cases triggered curiosity to the point of
> people possibly experimenting with those ports, or at least seeing
> value in supporting these even by themselves. There's probably many
> other similar examples, like having excellent cross-building support
> in the toolchain but having no actual cross-buildable package in the
> archive, etc.

I don't grok what this has to do with init systems. Are you saying
they're broken?

> In the upstart case, most of the work could have been reused from
> Ubuntu, w/o interfering with the current init system default. I seem
> to understand reluctance to push native upstart jobs into Debian was
> partially out of respect towards the project. I just think that respect
> was misplaced for something that was optional, and it actually backfired.

You do know upstart can use standard init scripts, yeah?

> Hope that clarifies.

Alas, not for me.

> Thanks,
> Guillem

Much love,

 .''`.  Paul Tagliamonte <paul...@debian.org>  |   Proud Debian Developer
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