On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 03:38:45PM +0200, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 02:18:16PM +0200, Debian Project Secretary - Kurt 
> Roeckx wrote:
> > Stats for the DPL votes:
> > |------+------+--------+-------+--------+---------+--------+-----------|
> > |      |  Num |        | Valid | Unique | Rejects |      % |  Multiple |
> > | Year |  DDs | Quorum | Votes | Voters |         | Voting | of Quorum |
> > |------+------+--------+-------+--------+---------+--------+-----------|
> > | 1999 |  347 | 27.942 |       |    208 |         | 59.942 |   7.44399 |
> > | 2000 |  347 | 27.942 |       |    216 |         | 62.248 |   7.73030 |
> > | 2001 |   ?? |     ?? |       |    311 |         |        |           |
> > | 2002 |  939 | 45.965 |   509 |    475 |     122 | 50.586 |  10.33395 |
> > | 2003 |  831 | 43.241 |   510 |    488 |     200 | 58.724 |  11.28559 |
> > | 2004 |  908 | 45.200 |   506 |    482 |      52 | 53.084 |  10.66372 |
> > | 2005 |  965 | 46.597 |   531 |    504 |      69 | 52.228 |  10.81615 |
> > | 2006 |  972 | 46.765 |   436 |    421 |      41 | 43.313 |   9.00246 |
> > | 2007 | 1036 | 48.280 |   521 |    482 |     267 | 46.525 |   9.98343 |
> > | 2008 | 1075 | 49.181 |   425 |    401 |      35 | 37.302 |   8.15356 |
> > | 2009 | 1013 | 47.741 |   366 |    361 |      43 | 35.636 |   7.56155 |
> > | 2010 |  886 | 44.648 |   459 |    436 |      88 | 49.210 |   9.76513 |
> > | 2011 |  911 | 45.274 |   402 |    392 |      93 | 43.030 |   8.65836 |
> > | 2012 |  948 | 46.184 |   436 |    403 |      72 | 42.511 |   8.72589 |
> > | 2013 |  988 | 47.149 |   402 |    390 |      73 | 39.474 |   8.27170 |
> > | 2014 | 1003 | 47.505 |   412 |    401 |      61 | 39.980 |   8.44117 |
> > | 2015 |  986 | 47.101 |   364 |    353 |      39 | 35.801 |   7.49454 |
> > | 2016 | 1023 | 47.977 |   286 |    282 |      74 | 27.566 |   5.87787 |
> > | 2017 | 1062 | 48.882 |   327 |    322 |      57 | 30.320 |   6.58729 |
> > | 2018 | 1001 | 47.457 |   343 |    333 |      53 | 33.266 |   7.01674 |
> > | 2019 | 1003 | 47.505 |   389 |    378 |      59 | 37.687 |   7.95701 |
> > | 2020 | 1011 | 47.694 |   352 |    339 |      33 | 33.531 |   7.10776 |
> > |------+------+--------+-------+--------+---------+--------+-----------|
> The number of rejects keeps weirding me out.  It's not has high as 2007
> where more than half (?!) of the votes were rejected, but it's still
> looming around a 10%.
> So I'd have some questions:
>  * Are rejected votes that are then retried and validated still counted
>    as rejects?
>  * what constitutes a reject?
>  * if the rejects are caused by formatting issues in the voting mail (I
>    never tried nor ever had a rejected vote myself), can something be
>    made to have the voting be less brittle?

A reject is any mail that devotee received but it had a problem
with, which includes things like:
- It's not signed, sometimes it's just encrypted
- It's signed by a key that's not in the keyring
- It's signed by an expired key
- There is an invalid choice, like putting an X or invalid number.
- The UUID was missing
- Devotee had a problem finding the vote because of some weird
  enconding the mail client uses, which is why the ballot also
  says to use PGP/MIME
- Anything else you can imagine going wrong

So 33 are not persons that failed to vote, they're emails. Some of
the 33 are actually multiple errors to the same person, the followed
by a successful vote.

Devotee sends a mail back with the reason why the email is being
rejected, but it can sometimes be cryptic. If you have a problem,
and can't figure out what the problem, just ask for help. So it's
a good idea not to wait until the last moment to vote.

I would actually like to move to different voting software, and I
think belenios at least looks very interresting.


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