Hi Bill

On 2023/11/24 19:14, Bill Allombert wrote:
I offer the following ballot option for your consideration.


The Debian developers delegate to the Debian Project Leader the task of issuing
a Public Statement about the 'EU Cyber Resilience Act and the Product Liability
Directive' that addresses Debian interests in the matter.


I follow your logic in proposing this, although my interpretation of ¶5.1.4[0] in our constitution leads me to believe that the DPL does not need any delegation for this, so perhaps the intention becomes more of "Let the DPL decide".

In February I posted[1] about the CRA to debian-project[1]. My intention was to get a few good people to spend some time to focus on this, since my available bandwidth for this was low (and continued to be since then).

I'm not sure that it's a good idea to leave it as a DPL task, it might delay an actual public statement by a month or even more. That said, I'm not completely against the idea, if this ends up happening I would likely combine the best current ideas in an etherpad and invite everyone to list and hammer out any remaining issues.


[0] https://www.debian.org/devel/constitution
[1] https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/1b2aee43-cea0-2fa8-ba93-cbee1b965...@debian.org

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