(sorry for the _late_ reply)

On Sat, 25 Feb 2012 00:14:38 +0100, David Boddie wrote:

> My understanding is that the .dat files are the preferred form of
> modification even though the maintainers may use tools that save and load
> files in other formats. I don't know anything about the library maintenance
> process to be able to say if the .dat files are generated from something
> else.

Exactly, that would be the main issue.

I just looked at those .dat files and -- even though they're text-only files --
I can't imagine a human typing something like this (from 4490.dat):

| 1 16 20 24 0 6 0 0 0 -20 0 0 0 6 box5.dat
| 1 16 -20 24 0 6 0 0 0 -20 0 0 0 6 box5.dat
| 4 16 30 24 10 26 24 6 14 24 6 10 24 10
| 4 16 10 24 10 14 24 6 14 24 -6 10 24 -10
| 4 16 10 24 -10 14 24 -6 26 24 -6 30 24 -10
| 4 16 30 24 -10 26 24 -6 26 24 6 30 24 10
| 4 16 -10 24 10 -14 24 6 -26 24 6 -30 24 10
| 4 16 -30 24 10 -26 24 6 -26 24 -6 -30 24 -10
| 4 16 -30 24 -10 -26 24 -6 -14 24 -6 -10 24 -10
| 4 16 -10 24 -10 -14 24 -6 -14 24 6 -10 24 10
| ...

They can really be the source only if, for example, there's some GUI (or
any other suitable) program able to load/save them, by which one can create a
new ldraw-part from scratch.

> Checking now, it seems that the parts library described at
>   http://www.ldraw.org/Downloads-req-viewdownloaddetails-lid-98.html
> is not redistributable because it contains non-redistributable parts.

This is not a problem: the non-redistributable parts can be stripped from the
"original tarball", which can then be used (and distributed) by Debian.

> Issues with the parts library include:
>  1. Licenses:
>    a. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0. I don't know how this fits into any
>       of the Debian policies.

It seems like an attribution-only license, seems fine to me.

>    b. All rights reserved. It seems that you would have to ask the
>       copyright holders of those parts to choose a license, or just avoid
>       distributing those parts.

..exactly. Just strip them off the tarball.

>  2. Binaries in the archive.
>    a. A Windows executable file.
>    b. Three ZIP files containing source code, with some files licensed
>       under the GPL v2 or later, and other files with no licenses.

The .exe can be removed too. The only remaining problem is the no-license files.

>  3. No build system for the platform-independent tool required to create the
>     parts list.

This _can_ be a problem, but not necessarily. It depends whether the
buildsystem is available into Debian, and if I (or anyone else) is able to
successfully compile them. If the answer to both questions is "yes", we don't
really need an upstream-provided buildsystem.

So, here's the current status. LeoCAD now builds fine, so the only missing
bit is the pieces library. I/we need to find out what the real source is (if
it's not the .dat files), how to compile it, and what leocad expects it to be
(location, format, structure, [..]).


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