Am Sat, Jan 27, 2024 at 06:28:14PM +0100 schrieb Francesco Ballarin:
> OK Andreas, I'll push to master. Let me take the lead on that, and I'll come 
> back to you and Drew with progress and questions.

Perfectly fine for me.
> I think I have some ideas on how to get started on the basic package.
> The full package (i.e., all optional components that one can install with 
> "pip install pyvista[all]") will be much more complex, because it depends on 
> trame, which comes split in five interdependent packages
> ====
> trame                    3.2.4
> trame-client             2.11.2
> trame-server             2.11.7
> trame-vtk                2.5.8
> trame-vuetify            2.3.1
> ====
> and who knows how many dependencies each one of those have.

Sounds complex and I'd love to stay in background given that I need to
care for >1000 packages.

> Down the line I'd want to have that too, because that's what I actually need 
> for plotting within jupyter notebooks in my libraries, see for instance
> but let's start with a less ambitious goal ;)

> I think that the error you see is because python3-vtk9 is only built for 
> python 3.11, but unit tests are getting run with python 3.12.
> At the moment, I'd like to disable that part adding an empty 
> override_dh_auto_test-indep and run tests with autopkgtest only, so that I 
> can have a clearer idea on the difference between dependencies required for 
> building the package vs dependencies required for testing it, because I know 
> from experience that there are a few packages that are only needed for 
> testing pyvista.

Perfectly fine for me.  Feel free to turn the RFP in ITP and I can
sponsor the upload if needed.

Thanks a lot for your help


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