Le mardi 10 février 2009 à 02:47 -0800, Sundaram a écrit :
> Hi,
> If this is the second, may I know which one is the first?

That would be lemurae (bug #514273).

> By the way, gict needs a dict. server (mostly online) and also gdict
> and 
> stardict are dictionaries; while Artha is a thesaurus which works off
> line, 
> that lists a word's Synonyms, Antonyms, Derivatives, Pertainyms,
> Similar 
> terms, Domain terms, Entails, Causes, Hypernyms, Hyponyms/Troponyms, 
> Holonyms and Meronyms. Apart from thes,e ease-of-use features like 
> summoning using a global hot key, passive notifications of a given
> word, 
> suggestions, regex search. etc. are present as well. These features
> are unique 
> to Artha.

Most of these features are also present in stardict. And anyway, I can
see emerging a strong need for standardisation on dictionary formats;
even if it is not possible to have a single frontend, they should all be
able to use all the dictionaries we have in the archive.

I don’t think this can be done in Debian only, that’s why I’m suggesting
to make upstreams work together on a common format, so that it can be
eventually turned into e.g. a freedesktop standard.

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