Hi, Frank...

On Samstag, 29. November 2008, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 06:17:29PM +0100, Christoph Haas wrote:
> > The current version can serve thumbnails of screenshots easily. So I
> > thought I ask if anyone feels to build that into the
> > packages.debian.org
> I've thought about that a bit today. Some remarks and questions:
> 1) I would prefer not to waste space with a placeholder if there
> exists no screenshot. So I would prefer to have a list of packages
> with screenshots available.

Can do if that helps. Just the names of the binary packages one per line? 
Or something more 2.0-ish and sophisticated? Or JSON?

> 2) What do you think about different versions of packages?
> From your website it seems that the images have versions
> associated with them, so maybe we should utilize that. A screenshot
> of a version in unstable might have nothing to do with how the
> application looks in stable.

Honestly I don't really trust the version numbers of the screenshots too 
much. To have at least some version assigned to a screenshot I suggest the 
current package version (from "unstable") in the upload form. But if an 
Etch user uploads a screenshot I'm not very optimistic that they check out 
the actual version and enter that.

Besides how would you decide which version is most appropriate to be shown? 
The next newer? The next older? You will hardly ever get an exact match.
But of course I can provide the version information, too. Perhaps along 
with the package list.

> 3) How are the images stored on your side? Would it be possible
> to retrieve the thumbnails with e.g. rsync so that we can mirror
> them on packages.d.o itself should the need arise?

Currently they have management information in a PostgreSQL database but the 
actual PNG files are stored to disk. So I'd have to hack some code to 
provide you with the information you need. I could create a nightly 
tarball contaning a tree-ish directory structure like...


Let me know what is easiest for packages.debian.org. I'm pretty flexible in 
providing information.

A guess is just a guess until you turn it into a pie chart.
Then it's an analysis. (Scott Adams)

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