
I was told the following about a problem with the form to register
as a new partner:

  I have been trying to submit a proposal to become a Debian partner here:

  Unfortunately, once I have filled out the form and hit submit, I get this:
  You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin-local/cgiemail/partners-form.txt 
  this server.”

The form data are as follows, and maybe you could import them to
save Jason the extra work.

Company name: Catalyst
Your name: Jason Ryan
Will you be the primary contact? Yes
Your email: ja...@catalyst.net.nz
Address: L6, 150 Willis Street, Wellington, New Zealand
Telephone: 64-4-8032393
website : http://catalyst.net.nz
Brief description of your company:
Catalyst is a Wellington based, global open source company. We have offices in
New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom and work with public and private
sector organisations around the world.  
Primary products/services:
Bespoke development, cloud hosting, e-learning, CMS (Drupal and Silverstripe).
How are you currently using Debian and how do you plan
to utilize Debian in the future?
Many of our server are Debian. Now there is an LTS we are planning on moving 
more of them onto Debian from Ubuntu.
What are you doing to aid the Debian project?
Please provide detailed information.
Sponsorships of Debconf in 2014 and 2016. Regular bug squashing parties for our 
staff on company time. Planning to allocate 20% on one FTE to paid Debian 
packaging work.
How is Debian helping to accomplish your goals?
As a Free and Open Source software company, Debian supports our hosting, 
application development and our community building work. It is also the 
distribution that is most closely aligned with our own values.
What could Debian do to help you better achieve your goals?
LTS has been the single biggest contribution to allowing us to migrate servers 
to Debian. We would like to be able to contribute more to ensure the long term 
viability of this project.
Any other comments / questions you may have:

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf16: Cape Town: http://debconf16.debconf.org
      DebConf17: Montreal: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17

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